1) Primary & Secondary Curriculum:

Dnyanada School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The curriculum followed at the school is on the guidelines of NCERT and NCF.

NCERT – National Council of Education Research and Training and NCF – National Framework for Curriculum are means of evolving a national system of education capable of responding to India’s diversity of geographical and cultural milieus while ensuring a common core of values along with academic component.

Dnyanada evaluates on the following principles. Continuous evaluation is done through keen observation. The fear of external examinations settled in the minds of children from a very tender age is minimized. The evaluation process is demystified & made transparent by taking parents into confidence.

School Session is divided into two terms.
First Term = April to Oct.
Second Term = Nov. to March.

2) Weightage & Time Schedule

The examination from Academic year 2017-18 for step  I to X  would be 

Conducted as per the remodeled assessment structure explained below:-

    1. There will be 3 Periodic Tests in the entire year: i.e. 2 Periodic Tests in Term I and 1 Periodic Test in Term II.  Each test will be of 20 marks.
    2. Periodic Tests 1 & 2 syllabus will be included in Term I of 80 marks.
    3. For Term II examinations (80 marks)
Step I to VI10% of 1st term covering significant topics will be included &
the entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Step VII20 % of 1st term covering significant topics will be included &
the entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Step VIII30 % of 1st term covering significant topics will be included &
the entire syllabus of 2nd term.
Step IX & XEntire syllabus of Term I & II.
  1. For note book of each subject (10 marks) will be there for each term.It includes submission on time, regularity, punctuality, neatness,notebook upkeep & assignment completion.
  2. Subject Enrichment Activities (10 marks) each term.
  3. For languages – Speaking & listening skills
  4. For Mathematics – Projects & activities.
  5. For Science – Practical works , activities & practical notebook.
  6. For Social Science – Map book & project work.
  7. In Co- Scholastic Activities Work education , Art education , Health &Physicaleducation & Discipline is included. Term wise on a 3 point grading scale the students   will be assessed.
  8. Class test will be conducted regularly and marks given will be included in therespective subject.
  9. Oral exam will be conducted throughout the year.
  10. Students must be present for all the exams. No Re Test will be taken.A student who uses unfair means during tests will be given zero marks  in the subject. Repetition of same will result in dismissal from school. Any student who misses out any semester exam  (I or II) will not be considered for any academic award. Periodic tests, SA 1, & SA2 & Assignments & MCQ are not conducted again, if missed.


Promotions   to upper class are granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the student. The final examination only is not a promotion examination. Hence, the importance of regularity in attendance, well discipline, performance in various exams etc, is considered. Therefore student should perform   consistently throughout the year in all areas.

The examination from Academic year 2017-18 onwards would be conducted as per the remodeled assessment   Structure as stipulated by CBSE.

There will be 3 periodic written tests 2 term end   examinations   in the entire academic year & the   average of the best will be a considered for final assessment.  Regular class tests   will be conducted. Work sheets, Holidays H.W will also carry marks; all such marks will be considered at the time of final assessment.

Pre-primary curriculum

In-house methodology:

The objective in designing in-house activity based curriculum is to, create the environment for the children to get experience and to acquire the knowledge so that NCERT curriculum from first standard is easily grasped.