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Shiksha Saptah Celebrations at DNYANADA ENGLISH SCHOOL POKHARI Emphasize NEP 2020 Implementation

Date:July 22, 2024. In line with the Central Board of Secondary Education’s directive to celebrate Shiksha Saptah from July 22nd to July 28th, 2024, DNYANADA ENGLISH SCHOOL POKHARI kicked off its educational festivities today. The week-long event aims to underscore the practical implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, focusing on innovative teaching methodologies and holistic development.

Day 1 Highlights:The first day of Shiksha Saptah at DNYANADA ENGLISH SCHOOL POKHARI was abuzz with creative activities designed to engage students and enhance their learning experiences.

Step 1 – Thumb Painting and Hand Painting: Students began the day by honing their motor skills and unleashing their artistic expression through thumb and hand painting sessions. The colorful outcomes adorned the school walls, reflecting the vibrancy of young minds.

Step 2 – Storytelling Activity: Parents took center stage in Step 2, captivating students with the timeless tale of “The Thirsty Crow.” This interactive storytelling not only entertained but also instilled moral values and critical thinking among the children.

Step 3 – Chart Making: In Step 3, students delved into chart making, transforming classrooms into educational galleries. These charts not only bolstered artistic talents but also enriched cognitive development through visual learning aids.Step 4 – Mask Crafting:Crafting masks in Step 4 sparked creativity and fine motor skills among students. These masks not only ignited imaginations but also encouraged role-playing and narrative exploration.

Step 5 – Reading Club:Step 5 saw students immersed in a Reading Club, fostering a deep-seated love for books and encouraging peer discussions on literary favorites.Step 6 – Animation Story Cards:Students in Step 6 ventured into the world of animation, creating story cards that showcased their creativity and narrative prowess.Step 7 – Presentation on Types of Families:
Step 7 involved students presenting models depicting different types of families, highlighting diversity and inclusivity within the community.Step 8 – Puzzles and Challenges: students with puzzles and brain teasers, promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Step 9 – Reading Club activity : The students were engaged in discussions about their favourite books and authors.The activities encouraged students to unleash their eco-friendly creativity by repurposing waste materials into useful artifacts. This initiative not only promoted sustainability but also fostered a sense of responsibility towards the environment.Throughout the day, the school buzzed with energy as students proudly displayed their creations, inviting parents and community members to witness their achievements. The interactive sessions facilitated meaningful exchanges, strengthening bonds between the school and its stakeholders.As the week unfolds, DNYANADA ENGLISH SCHOOL POKHARI remains committed to nurturing young talents and adhering to the transformative goals set forth by NEP 2020. Shiksha Saptah serves not only as a celebration of education but also as a testament to the school’s dedication to holistic development and innovation in teaching.

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